The Women of Jeremiah’s Place

Who are The Women of Jeremiah’s Place?
We are a group of women serving as an awareness group to the community whose specific purpose is to support the families, specifically the children, residing at Jeremiah’s Place. We want to provide the children the best experience possible while they’re living in their temporary homes. They are already dealing with so much, why not do what we can to bring them some joy? We want them to know that they’re loved and that a special group of women cared about their well-being and their happiness.
Who do we want to be a part of this group?
Caring, compassionate, passionate women. Although this is a low-key group with few requirements, we need you to be passionate about our mission with JP. We know that you can make a difference with very little effort. You will not be asked to do any fundraising! Our hope is that the ladies of this awareness group form a bond among ourselves as we lock arms and walk alongside this ministry.
1 Corinthians 15 tells us: “There but for the grace of God, go I.” May we all be mindful of the fact that any of us could be in a situation where we might need the services of a ministry like Jeremiah’s Place.
What are the requirements of this awareness group?
First, we ask that you remember this ministry and the residents of Jeremiah’s Place in your prayers. Prayer works!
Secondly, we want you to be a voice in the community to help make folks aware of the purpose of Jeremiah’s Place (a transitional housing program). As a member of The Women of Jeremiah’s Place, you will not be asked to do any public speaking — just talk about Jeremiah’s Place when the opportunity presents itself in general conversation.
Lastly, there are annual, tax-deductible dues in the amount of $100 due by the end of February. These dues, overseen and distributed by an executive committee comprised of representatives of Jeremiah’s Place and The Women of Jeremiah’s Place, will be used to celebrate birthdays for the children residing at JP, for the children to be able to attend a friend’s birthday party — they need a gift for them, right? Maybe one of them wants to go on a field trip, join a scouting group, play sports, etc. The money will also be used for family picnics, to purchase needed clothing for the children, whatever life brings. The list goes on — because funds are not available for those things.
The plan for our group is to schedule approximately three events per year and enjoy either a potluck dinner or a donated meal (remember, funds are not available to provide our meals). The purpose of the get-togethers will be to fellowship as a group and to hear updates from the Executive Director.
Thank you so much for your interest in The Women of Jeremiah’s Place! Prayerfully consider becoming a part of something special! We need your help in bringing in others who have a compassionate heart for those in need. If you think of someone who may be interested in joining our group, please pass their contact information on to me (contact information is below). Be sure to keep up with us on Facebook @ The Women of Jeremiah’s Place.
If you would like to see the inside of one of the units at Jeremiah’s Place, please contact the Executive Director and she will let you know when a resident moves out. Keep in mind that you’ll have a short window of opportunity to visit before it is occupied again.
May God bless you as you bless others. We hope to hear from you soon!
Contact Sally Kelley

Get In Touch
Here at Jeremiah’s Place we love serving our families. Please contact us today and help us help our community.