
Choose to Change a Life Today
Jeremiah’s Place has many opportunities for you to help make a difference in the lives of families that are homeless!
Jeremiah’s Place appreciates any financial gift you can give and works hard to make sure that your contribution is spent responsibly. Your generosity makes it possible for our families to find their way home. The most effective way to help your neighbors in need is through financial gifts.
The 11th Annual Spaghetti Supper benefiting Jeremiah’s Place (transitional housing program for homeless individuals and families in Lumpkin County) will be held on May 13, 2025, from 5:00pm to 7:30pm in Dahlonega, Georgia.
To donate please select one time donation and add Spaghetti Supper in the comments section.
The Spaghetti Supper directly supports the homeless individuals and families in transition at Jeremiah’s Place. For $12 (individual) and $35 (family up to 5), folks can enjoy a delicious spaghetti meal, including garlic bread, salad, and dessert.
Types of Gifts:
INDIVIDUAL GIFTS: Help a homeless family through a personal financial gift.
MONTHLY SUSTAINING GIFT: A monthly recurring financial gift can help a homeless family on their journey to self-sufficiency.
CORPORATE GIFT: Corporate sponsorships of our events create long-term relationships and partnerships in our community.
TRIBUTE GIFT: A financial gift made in recognition or celebration of a person or an event.
MEMORIAL GIFT: A financial gift made in memory of someone who has passed away.
EMPLOYER MATCH GIFT: Check to see if your employer will match your financial gift.
Where Do Your Funds Go?
- Funds pay the light bill, heat, insurance, program supplies, essential needs of residents, office supplies, and the incredible staff that works 24/7 to make Jeremiah’s Place a safe and stable space that homeless children and their families can call home.
- Donations of items or services are always appreciated. Please see our Needs List for the items we currently need.
- Kroger Community Rewards North Georgia Interfaith Ministries, Inc., Kroger Rewards #39438. Just sign in to Kroger Community Rewards, register your rewards card, and choose us as your charity of choice.
- Shop AmazonSmile and select North Georgia Interfaith Ministries, Inc. as your charity. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to North Georgia Interfaith Ministries, Inc.
How We Are Funded
Jeremiah’s Place and North Georgia Interfaith Ministries is funded 100% by voluntary contributions and by our annual fundraiser Spaghetti Supper in the spring. Our ministry is designed to meet locally identified needs using local resources. This means we rely heavily on individual donors to help support our services.
Won’t you please consider being a part of this benevolent community by donating to Jeremiah’s Place?
We make it easy for you to make a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. Please click on one of the secure links below to make your contribution:

Get In Touch
Here at Jeremiah’s Place we love serving our families. Please contact us today and help us help our community.